Thursday, March 18, 2010

Busted iPhone 3G

So I am at my niece's birthday party last weekend and I get to talking about my iPhone with my brother-in-law's brother, Chris. Better yet, he is my wife's sister's husband's brother, makes more sense, right?

Anyway, Chris whips out his iPhone 3G and HOLY CRAP the face of it looks like it has been dropped face first onto the concrete and then slammed in the door of a car! Turns out...that is exactly what happened...

First, Chris tells me, he accidentally dropped it a couple of months ago face first onto the concrete pavement which cracked the upper corner. Then a few months later, he continues, he was driving with it in his lap. When he arrived at his destination, he had forgotten it was sitting in his lap and simply got out of the car. The phone fell and rested onto the door-sill, which turned out to be a beautiful thing, because otherwise it would have landed on the asphalt again!

He went to shut the door and it would not close properly because the seat belt was caught in the door (or so he thought). So he gave the door a couple of more hard slams for good measure when what should his wondering eyes should appear but an iPhone 3G getting beat between the door like a four-year-old playing Wack-A-Mole.

He told me it still worked and then turned it on to show the proof.  "Wow!" I said, "How do you run this thing without slicing the ends of your fingers off?" Remember, that's glass Apple brags about in those displays, not some cheap plastic. This is the real deal that can make your prints untraceable like a James Bond movie.

So I whipped out my 3GS and shot a video. Those are my precious fingers doing the demonstration, too. Only once though, that's all the proof I needed. Hmmmm, maybe I will splurge for one of those fancy safety cases...

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